Latest information

2024 updates


Regular classes:


Thursday 7:15pm - 8:45pm (Basics)

Saturday 10:30am - 12:30pm (All levels)


Ashmoor Leisure Centre

(South Devon Community College)

Balland Lane

Ashburton TQ13 7EW





We run 6 week beginners courses throughout the year.  They are £55 for six Thursday evening classes (would normally be £60).


The next beginners course starts on 19th September 2024.  


That will teach you how to fall safely, how to move with good alignment and coordinate your movemnts to use the most powerful muscles first.  You will also learn some basic techniques and should be able to get to the first level - called 5th Kyu.



Courses coming up this year:


Pascal DURCHON (6th Dan Aikikai) 

dates to be confirmed


Dimitri CRENIER (6th Dan Aikikai)

dates to be confirmed


To be arranged - we hope to re-establish our week long course with Pascal in August 2025



Also - through our 'sister' club, Yokohama International Aikido Devon, there will also be a major event later this year - details to follow!


Journey to the Heart of Aikido course po[...]
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Videos from previous courses